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My Music
Whether you practice mindfulness and meditation or just want to take time to pause and relieve stress, Stephen's collection of music from the earth will get you there. He breathes peace, calm, and tranquility into the world through the flute he holds in his two hands - Diana Woods (Spirit First Meditations).
All That RemainsStephen Darnell
00:00 / 03:38
Amazing GraceStephen Darnell
00:00 / 01:19
Petals to the WindStephen Darnell
00:00 / 02:07
Drive the Cold Winter AwayStephen Darnell & Sea Raven
00:00 / 02:44
MLKStephen Darnell
00:00 / 02:22
The End of All Our ExploringStephen Darnell
00:00 / 03:53
O TannenbaumStephen Darnell & Sea Raven
00:00 / 01:53

"The flute is created from the earth, it dances on the wind. If you give your breath of life to the flute, it will sing of the earth to you." – Charles Haney
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