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A huge debt of gratitude to Dr. Francisco Hoyos for the recordings "Desert Flower", "Creekside Prayer", "Great Mystery", "Atonement", and "Reflejos de Luna". To Bill Bromfield at Clockwise Records for the recordings "All That Remains", "Pond Reflections", "Beloved", "Morning Owl", "Embers to the Stars", "Sharing Moment", and "Sea of Tranquility", as well as the mixing, and mastering whose artistry and knowledge were beyond my expectations!
To my boys, Theodore and Craig, for their infusion of life and unconditional love always and forever. To Yoli who has always believed in me, inspired me, and encouraged me to never give up on this dream. To Charles who helps me walk the path of love, compassion, and forgiveness. To the UUCF community for giving me the platform to express my “Joys and Sorrows” through music. To Diana at Spirit First Meditation for providing me with a sacred space to share the songs of the earth. And to you, my friends and family, for your endless support and encouragement for allowing a bit of peace and tranquility to enter our lives.
Peace and Blessings to you!

"The flute is created from the earth, it dances on the wind. If you give your breath of life to the flute, it will sing of the earth to you." – Charles Haney
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